Catering & Food


1. Overview and problem statement

Did you know…?

A vegetarian diet could reduce the global greenhouse gas emissions around 63% and a vegan diet around 70%?22

In the context of large scale events, highly processed, quickly prepared and inexpensive food is typically used to enable the sale of a large volume of items in a short time. Most often, food from conventional agriculture is used, the production of which involves the use of harmful chemicals such as pesticides. Conventional agricultural practices make the food less healthy and pollute the soil. Large events also typically offer food made with animal products. Along with mobility and energy, switching to plant-based food sourced from regenerative agriculture is one of the biggest factors in making an event as climate- and resource-positive as possible.

The challenge of sustainable, circular event-planning is, among other things, to create the shift towards a plant-based diet – regarding the availability and scalability of vegan/vegetarian dishes as well as regarding the emotional level with the audience and the people on the production team. Another major action item is excessive food preparation due to miscalculation and the composting of food waste generated during preparation.

Another consideration is the use of packaged food by caterers and food vendors. Additionally, food is often served on disposable tableware. However, since January 1, 2023, caterers with more than 80 square meters of sales area or more than 5 employees have been legally obliged by EU laws to provide their customers with reusable packaging for takeaway food and beverages. 23 In the case of food packaging, it is still mostly disposable plastic packaging that contains harmful substances such as plasticizers.

Das Thema Ernährung ist emotional sehr behaftet. Gleichzeitig können Veranstaltungen ein Ort sein, Menschen für eine alternative Ernährungsweise zu begeistern und zu inspirieren – die Qualität der angebotenen Lebensmittel und die richtige Kommunikation sind hier absolut entscheidend.

2. Our Benchmark for Tempelhof Lab

An event that aims for complete circularity and sustainable procurement in the area of food and catering considers the following criteria:

  • Ideally offer exclusively vegan food from regenerative agriculture for the public, crew and bands. The food plan should have positive effects on the greenhouse gas emissions, soil- and water consumption, use of pesticides and the quality of agricultural land.
  • Rethink the leftovers and waste as a source of nutrients: if they cannot be avoided in the production, then collect separately for later composting or recycling as biogas.
  • Source all foods from regenerative agriculture with at least an organic certification. For items like coffee, cocoa, wine, sugar or chocolate, which often are conventionally produced in poor working conditions with child labor, seek a fair certification (for example direct trade or fair trade).
  • Only buy food in recyclable packaging or, even better, offered as part of return and deposit systems.
  • Have food stalls serve food exclusively in recyclable or reusable dishware.
  • Communicate positively about the proportion of vegan or vegetarian dishes offered, without passing judgment on anyone’s daily dietary habits.
  • Free drinking water for everyone.

3. What worked well, what can be improved?

Tempelhof Lab took various measures to optimize food and catering in the direction of sustainability and circularity.

Food vendors

What worked well?

  • The organization of food stalls specialized in vegan and vegetarian dishes that are able to feed 60,000 concertgoers in a short period of time was a big challenge coming out of pandemic restrictions. Still we attained a proportion of 60% vegan and vegetarian dishes.
  • Through intensive planning discussions with the caterer to shift focus to plant-based food, we raised awareness on these issues with one of the leading catering providers..
  • Informational displays at the food stalls on the CO₂ balance of the meals offered.
  • Free drinking water in public areas.
  • Printed reusable drinking cups with deposit.
  • Educational projects in Cradle Village: The Bread-Beer Truck: beer brewed with food scraps.
  • Educational projects in Cradle Village: A 24-hour composting system that processes vegan food scraps into humus.
  • Pilot project initiated in the food service sector: French fry fork made from compostable alternative to plastic from agricultural waste.

What can be improved?

  • Reach the target of 100% vegetarian-vegan dishes.
  • Offer reusable tableware at all food stalls and implement a corresponding dishwashing system.
  • As an alternative to reusable serving dishes at all food stalls, vendors agreed to use compostable dishes. However, this was not fully implemented overall.
  • Accountability measures to ensure vendor compliance with stipulations, like using recyclable packaging, certification of food sources etc.
  • Sourcing food and beverages exclusively from companies that have transparent and controllable supply chains and where organic raw materials are processed. Balancing this objective with short delivery distances.
  • Production and scaling of a French fry fork made from a compostable plastic alternative was not completed in time; only prototypes were available. Ideal case: project continues long-term and product goes into mass production. That was not the case as of July 2023.

Catering for Production, Bands & Crews

What worked well?

  • 100% vegetarian and vegan meals offered backstage and in the production area.
  • Use of reusable coffee cups.
  • Reusable dishes and cutlery.
  • Refillable reusable bottles were distributed before the tour to Die Ärzte, Die Toten Hosen, and their crews.
  • In the case of Die Ärzte: Via Rider, an attempt was made to avoid products from companies that are non-transparent, do not use organic raw materials, and are publicly criticized with regard to their supply chains, their business model, and their environmental and labor practices. Verifiably successful with Nestlé products. 24
  • A drinking water dispenser in the Artists area.

What can be improved?

  • Availability of a tap water- with reusable mugs in the entire production area. Due to hygiene concerns and infrastructural challenges, this was not implemented.
  • Reliable infrastructure for the availability and collection of reusable mugs.
  • Stipulation, that the table napkins used in catering must be biodegradable, and can be composted with food scraps.

Food Stuff Remains and Disposal

What worked well?

  • Avoiding food waste by donating leftover food to various initiatives (climate new start, ambassadors of C2C NGO).
  • Use of vegan food waste in the educational project on the 24-hour composting plant.

What can be improved?

  • Purchase of exclusively regional food from regenerative agriculture with delivery using reusable boxes/large containers, return and deposit systems for packaging, or recyclable packaging.

4. Findings and Recommendations

Food Stall Menus:

  • The food offerings have an immense influence on water consumption at an event. By offering 60%25 vegan- and vegetarian dishes in the public area and then purely vegan- and vegetarian catering backstage, Tempelhof Lab consumed around one third less water than conventional concerts of this scale26. This resulted in conserving around 91 million liters of water.
  • In the area of food and catering, Tempelhof Lab’s concerts emitted around one fourth less CO₂ than conventional concerts of this scale. This equals about 76 fewer tons of CO₂.
  • Procuring exclusively vegetarian and vegan dishes remains a challenge.
    • Discuss with the caterer early on in planning to ensure the required quantity.
    • Long term: Communicate with the caterer with the aim that they will continuously expand their vegetarian and vegan menu for future events .
  • Onsite fewer vegan and vegetarian meals were offered than promised.
    • Onsite control to compare demanded/confirmed meal quantities with actual menu offers.
    • Event organizers should consider this situation in advance and weigh options for action. It is conceivable that menu offerings could be part of the terms of the contract with the caterer.
  • The vegan and vegetarian fare were received well. However, we observed and confirmed that the audience consisted mainly of people who are open to a meat-free diet. The following incentives can be created for an audience that prefers a meat-based diet.
    • Place vegan and vegetarian food stalls throughout the venue and in high traffic locations/walkways.
    • Adjust prices to reflect the real cost of meat-based meals.
    • Communicate the CO₂ balance of individual dishes more visibly, highlighting dishes that have a particularly low CO₂ balance or are resource-positive.
  • In order to measure the impact of the measures taken and to further improve future events, it must be known as precisely as possible which dishes were purchased particularly frequently or particularly little at which location.
    • Talk to the catering provider at an early stage about such data collection and reporting. If necessary, make it a contract term or deliverable.
    • Measurement and communication can be challenging, especially at large events, due to the high number of subcontractors used by catering providers.
  • At Tempelhof Lab the ideal – the construction of a system to deliver and return reusable dishware and cutlery for a concert with 60,000 attendees was not feasible.
    • For smaller events, multiple day events and fixed venues, the use of reusable cutlery is simpler and should be the preferred solution.
    • If the use of reusable dishware is not possible, then the use of exclusively biodegradable/edible tableware should be planned, demanded and controlled in advance with the caterer. Disposal of serviceware must be planned.
  • Food service and the topic of disposal must be thought through together and coordinated at an early stage.
    • Ensure separate collection of food scraps by food stalls and subsequent recycling in composting or biogas plants.
  • In describing the menu on offer to the public: Highlight the potential, avoid deterrents.
    • To not characterize dishes explicitly as “vegan” or “healthy”. Everyday life shows: this can discourage people from buying the meal.
    • Best practice: describe the type of meal and highlight the flavors, for example “Spaghetti with succulent Lentil-Tomato Bolognaise”.
    • Focus on positive characteristics, for example through labeling the dish or the stall with the best CO₂ balance and/or a resource-positive balance. 27
  • Leverage market power
    • Large event organizers, big venues and well known bands/artists can place very concrete demands on breweries, beverage distributors, catering companies and foodservice providers: on the quality of the product, the type and manner of their production, as well as the type of packaging and the delivery. This market power can be used to drive a change toward climate- and resource-positive events, not just selectively for one event, but fundamentally and systematically.


Catering for Production, Bands & Crews

  • Beverage supply in the production area/backstage can be switched completely to reusable containers.
    • Provide drinking water stations and, if necessary, premix stations.
    • Ask employees to bring their own refillable bottles/cups.
    • Provide a certain number of reusable bottles/cups (possibly for a small deposit).
  • In addition to the actual food selection (vegan-vegetarian, organic and fairtrade), clarify other climate and resource-relevant issues early on in discussions with the catering providers.
    • Disposable napkins made of biodegradable material.
    • Reusable dishes and cutlery.
    • Focus on reusable, recyclable packaging solutions with deposit/return systems if necessary.
    • Pure vegan/vegetarian catering is easy to implement.
      • Select a catering provider that has experience with alternative food offerings or already meets the specifications/preferences of event organizers.
      • If the venue is bound to a certain provider, talk about the required food offer (vegan-vegetarian, organic, fairtrade) at an early stage and find compromises. Show the economic and strategic potential of vegan-vegetarian catering.
    • The more often it is communicated to production employees/crews to opt out of meals they will not eat, the more food waste will be reduced.
      • Raise additional awareness of the link between food waste, RSVPs/signing up for meals and cancellations.

6. Further inspiration from the industry

Other events and festivals also focus on the topic of food and drink:

The Swedish Way Out West Festival (capacity 35,000) has been offering exclusive vegetarian and vegan dishes since 2012. Way Out West publicizes the carbon footprints of all dishes and beverages and provides them with their own CO₂ label. Today the proportion of vegan dishes is at 70% – without resistance or opposition; instead, the event receives extensive media coverage and positive associations with the event’s brand, including increased food and drink sales. 28

All food sold at the Tollwood Festival (capacity 1.5 million) has been certified organic in accordance with the EU Eco Regulation since 2003. Products such as tea, coffee, rice, wine, bananas, cocoa, sugar or chocolate products produced in the Global South are Fairtrade certified in addition to the organic seal. At the same time, the festival makes sure that organic dishes on offer are no more expensive than conventional dishes at other major events. 29

The Northside Festival from Denmark (capacity 35,000) offers exclusively vegetarian dishes and collaborates with Plantebaseret Videnscenter, a research- and knowledge platform for the transition to plant-based foods. In 2022, the festival limited food vendors’ menus to no more than 20% animal components such as cheese, mayo, eggs, consistent with the planetary boundaries. For some Northside caterers, the shift to vegan or vegetarian offerings has been a real catalyst, bringing about tremendous growth for their businesses. The higher the organic content of a food vendor’s dishes, the lower the booth fee, which is why organic is very well implemented. The Northside Festival has asked the Tuborg brewery for organic beer, which began production specifically for the festival and resulting in a product with 50% fewer emissions. 30

The Breminale is a five-day free outdoor cultural festival with approximately 220,000 visitors each year. To minimize pollution of the adjacent Weser River, since 2022, all drinks and food have been served in reusable containers. This avoids around 2.6 tons of waste. 31

H.I.T. fertilizer

Humus fertilizer from the contents of dry toilets.


Liquid fertilizer containing the nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potassium (K).

900 tons of CO₂ emissions

This is equivalent to either 900 flights from Frankfurt to New York or 297,000 kilometers of driving in a petrol car.


Device in which CO₂ is ejected into the air, creating a white mist.

C2C quality

C2C textiles are fully recyclable and material healthy. The fabric itself is recyclable and the fibers washed out during the laundering process are harmless to the environment. In addition to the fabric, dyes, ink and process chemicals used in production are also optimized for material health. Social standards are met during production and renewable energy is used.

Textiles in Cradle to Cradle quality

C2C textiles are fully recyclable and material healthy. The fabric itself is recyclable and the fibers washed out during the laundering process are harmless to the environment. In addition to the fabric, dyes, ink and process chemicals used in production are also optimized for material health. Social standards are met during production and renewable energy is used.

Textile materials

A large proportion of all clothing manufactured and sold today is made of synthetic fibers. Polyester alone has a market share of around 50%. Textiles made from natural fibers, i.e. fibers from renewable raw materials, are usually dyed or printed with environmentally harmful dyes. In addition, chemical substances are used in the production process, for example to fix the dyes. These chemicals do not only endanger the environment but also the health of the people who work in the production process and who wear the garments. Thus, whether a garment is truly sustainable depends not only on the fabric, but also on all the other materials used. Because with every laundry cycle, the garment automatically loses thousands of microfibers, which then end up in the waterways. And that’s exactly what these fibers have to be designed for. In other words, regardless of whether the fabric is made synthetically or from natural fibers, only materials that are appropriate for us humans to come into contact with during production and wear and that are biodegradable when they end up in the environment as washed-out fibers should be used in textile production. C2C textiles are designed according to this principle.

recover phosphorus

Starting in 2029, wastewater treatment plants in Germany – depending on the size of the community served – will be required to recover phosphorus from wastewater, sewage sludge, or sewage sludge ash.

C2C certification

Certification according to the Cradle to Cradle criteria is carried out by the Products Innovation Institute (PII), which is based in San Francisco and Amsterdam. The organization certifies products based on five criteria, in each of which four different levels can be achieved. The PII and Cradle to Cradle NGO are independent organizations.

Osmosis filter

In the osmosis filter system, gray water is first purified on a biological basis, then pressed through a bio-membrane filter, which almost completely eliminates solids, viruses and bacteria from the water. The final step is ultrafiltration, which ensures almost 100% sterility.

>> Further information on the osmosis filter

Black water and gray water

Black water and gray water are different categories of wastewater. Black water is water contaminated with fecal matter. Gray water is water that is slightly polluted and free of fecal matter, such as rainwater or wastewater from hand-washing sinks.

Euro standard

As the European exhaust emission standard, the Euro standard sets limits for the emission of air pollutants. They are defined in Europe by the EU. Compliance is measured and checked in the laboratory when new vehicles are type-approved and, in the case of trucks and buses, also in real-world operation. Euro 6d has been the strictest standard for passenger cars since January 2021, and Euro VI for trucks (over 3.5 tons). While the emissions standard sets limits for carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate mass and number, it says nothing about a vehicle’s CO2 emissions. These are defined for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in a separate EU regulation.

Easy langage

Leichte Sprache (easy language) is a simpler and less complex form of everyday German. It is aimed at people who find it difficult to read or understand a text in everyday language. In texts in easy language, for example, there are no foreign words or abbreviations. The set of rules is published by the Netzwerk Leichte Sprache. It is comparable to Easy Read in English.


Plasticizers are added to plastics, coatings, adhesives and textiles to make brittle materials soft and supple. Many of the substances used as plasticizers are considered to be harmful to the environment and human health. In addition to plasticizers, packaging can also contain other harmful substances that may be used up to certain permitted limits but still reduce the recyclability of the material.


PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is a plastic polymer and is produced as rigid PVC (drain pipes, window profiles, etc.) as well as soft PVC. Soft PVC is used for floor coverings, films, children’s toys, hoses, cable sheathing, seals, etc. and consists of up to 40% plasticizers, some of which are harmful, especially as they are released to humans and the environment during production and use of the products. Due to the many additives, PVC is hardly recyclable and is usually incinerated (thermal recycling), which produces toxic dioxins.


Canceling (cancel culture) refers to the exclusion of individuals or organizations that are accused of offensive, discriminatory or racist statements or actions, among other things. The term is also used by people who are accused of this behavior. The term and the actions behind it are the subject of much public debate, see here and here.

Sir David Attenborough

Sir David Attenborough is a British naturalist, writer and wildlife filmmaker best known for his award-winning nature documentaries.

Social ticketing

Offering different price categories for an event, adapted to the respective financial circumstances.


FLINTA* stands for Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Trans and Agender. It stands for anyone who is not a cis man. Cis or cisgender is the opposite of transgender. The asterisk includes all non-binary gender identities as a placeholder.

Which way to Panama?

The concept with the code question “Which way to Panama” was introduced in 2017 by the concert organizer FKP Scorpio. The aim is to be able to offer visitors simple and uncomplicated help in any emergency situation by naming this code sentence.

Initiative Barrierefrei Feiern

Nationwide collective (in German) of people with disabilities and their allies advocating for accessible cultural opportunities


Awareness means being aware of problems and conflicts. Awareness concepts create safe spaces in which all people can feel comfortable because no assault or discriminatory behavior is tolerated. The definition of what is assaultive or discriminatory for a person or a group is not questioned.


Social inclusion means the accentuation, inclusion and equal participation of all people in a society.

Waste separation

Proper waste separation is not that simple. Even in Germany, where there is a comparatively extensive separation system. For example, a pizza box is made of cardboard, and therefore paper. But soiled by grease and pizza remnants, it still doesn’t belong in the waste paper bin, but in the residual waste bin.

At the Tempelhof laboratory, we have set up two residual waste garbage cans at each of the nutrient islands, a bio garbage can for leftovers/food waste and another bio garbage can for the biodegradable tabelware. In addition, a garbage bag was hung up for the collection of PET bottles, which the public was allowed to bring onto the grounds.
The background of this composition, which is quite different from the system known from everyday life in Germany: The disposable tableware was to be composted in a separate field trial, because industrial composting facilities are set in specific temperatures and composting cycles to ensure that food and food residues can be composted without residue. However, these cycles do usually not composte biodegradable tableware items. This does not mean that this tableware is not compostable – the ZirkulierBar research project has already demonstrated this by adding shredded biodegradable disposable tableware to the humus composting process. But composting takes place at a different temperature and for a different composting time than, for example, vegetable peelings, for which the cycles of industrial composting plants are designed.

Planetary Boundaries

Planetary boundaries define the safe operating framework for humanity. If these ecological limits are overstepped, our natural ecosystems collapse and the existence of humankind is endangered. The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research has defined nine such boundaries, six of which have been considered exceeded since 2022.


This means that the cultivation of a plant has an overall positive impact. A plant from regenerative agriculture has been grown in such a way that the cultivation increases the nutrient content in the soil, the biodiversity in the cultivation area or the quality of the water in the region. The cultivation of the plant therefore has a positive impact on all the resources that are needed in the cultivation process.

Real costs

Real costs can be shown when the so-called external effects arising from the production or consumption of a product are included in the price. These are usually negative externalities, for example environmental damages or health damages caused by the production or consumption of a certain product. Usually, these costs are not covered by the pollutur, but by society. As a result, there are differences between private returns of economic activities and the returns or costs to society as a whole. In this specific example of food at events, the real costs of a dish can be calculated by measuring the resource consumption and CO₂ footprint incurred in the production of a certain dish, quantifying it and adding it to the price. Calculating real prices would make many products that are harmful to health and the environment significantly more expensive than before, and generally more expensive than sustainable or C2C products.

Cradle Village

The Cradle Village was an area equipped with pavilions between the entrance and the stage. It was part of the educational concept around circularity and C2C onsite. Various NGOs were represented there as well as some C2C cases exhibited as educational projects.

Regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is an agricultural approach that focuses on soil and plant health. The goal is to build healthy, fertile soil through agricultural cultivation, thereby increasing yields while creating positive impacts on carbon and water cycles as well as biodiversity. The approach contrasts with conventional agriculture, in which the use of pesticides, heavy agricultural machinery and monocultures, among other things, reduces biodiversity and causes lasting damage to soils. Regenerative agriculture can complement organic agriculture, which avoids the use of hazardous substances but is often associated with lower yields than conventional agriculture.


Biofuels are fuels obtained from biomass. The environmental friendliness of these also depends on whether their raw materials are in competition with the food production industry (for example, corn) or whether the fuels are obtained from residual materials.

Smart grids

In smart grids, power load management improves the utilization of the existing infrastructure and thus makes more efficient use of energy.

Peak Shaving

Peak shaving can be used to stabilize the power generated by energy networks. Periods in which a particularly large amount of power is available (power peaks) are capped.

Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen fuel uses renewable energy instead of conventional energy for the electrolysis to produce hydrogen. Its production makes sense in regions where sufficient renewable energy sources in the form of sun or wind are available to power water electrolysis.

Battery Regulation

Among other things, this regulation is intended to make a battery pass mandatory in order to provide incentives for recyclable battery design and the recycling of battery components.

Authentic green electricity

Authentic green electricity means that the supplier invests part of the revenue from the sale of green electricity in the development of new plants for the generation of electricity from renewable sources. In this way, the provider helps to ensure that the electricity mix improves in the long term and the share of renewable energy grows steadily. Im Germany, such providers can be identified by labels such as “ok-power” or “Grüner Strom“.

Cradle to Cradle

Cradle to Cradle (C2C) is an approach to a circular economy that goes a little further. Instead of producing less waste, using fewer resources, causing less environmental damage, or merely aiming for climate neutrality, products and processes are to be designed in such a way that added value is created as a result. In other words, a positive impact on the climate through a new way of handling resources. Because if we only cause less damage through our actions, we only delay the problems we cause, but do not solve them.

We can only solve climate and resource problems permanently by setting positive goals. By consistently integrating our actions into biological cycles and creating technical cycles, we achieve real added value: ecologically, economically and socially. C2C products consist of materials that are healthy for people and the environment and can circulate in biological and technical cycles. If a material in a product is automatically consumed (for example, the abrasion from a tire while driving or fibers from a T-shirt that are washed out in the washing machine), then this material must also be suitable for ending up in the environment. It must therefore be completely biodegradable.

All other products must be designed in such a way that all their components and materials can be separated and reused again and again. Either directly, after remanufacturing or repairing, or through a recycling, which preserves the quality of the material. In the production of such C2C products, we use only renewable energy, preserve or improve the quality of water and soil, and have fair and humane working conditions.
Business models such as product service models, beneficial use or leasing help to keep materials and products in the cycle.

>> more information

Circular economy

Derived from the EU Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan, the term “circular economy” encompasses “all stages of value creation – from product design and production to consumption, repair, waste management and secondary raw materials fed back into the economy.”
The transformation of our current linear economy, (resources are taken from the earth, used and then mostly become worthless waste) to a circular economy is an overarching policy goal in the EU and in all member states – including Germany. The German government is currently (as of June 2023) developing the so-called National Circular Economy Strategy, which aims to reduce the need for newly extracted raw materials. A circular economy and resource conservation are thus intended to contribute to climate neutrality and decarbonization.

In the case of the Tempelhof Lab, we attempted to design as many aspects of the concerts as possible in such a way that resources are kept in circulation or incentives are provided for this. Ideally, this meant using a C2C product or C2C process with a positive impact on people and the environment. Where this was not possible, an alternative was sought that was sustainable in the classic sense, i.e. at least caused less harm than a conventional solution.

CO2 compensation

Organizations that offer compensation for CO2 emissions can be certified according to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) standard. Gold Standard is a standard developed by an alliance of non-governmental organizations such as WWF, which is considered the most demanding standard for voluntary emissions trading.

These contacts are merely a selection, without any claim to completeness. The selection is based on the companies with which the Tempelhof Lab project worked or had contact.

Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)

Hydrotreated or hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVO) are oils that have been chemically converted into hydrocarbons and can thus be used as fuel. They are used as an addition to or substitute for diesel fuel and emit up to 90% less CO2 compared to diesel. Oil plants, residues from the agricultural industry, but also used cooking oils can be used as raw materials for HVO. If residual or waste materials are used, production does not compete with food production and causes lower CO2 emissions in production. If HVO is produced from palm oil, the greenhouse gas balance deteriorates considerably because rainforests are cleared for the cultivation of oil palms. Therefore, a supplier should be chosen that guarantees the exclusion of primary palm oil as a raw material.


Offsetting CO2 emissions is not a sufficient strategy for achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, and certainly not for taking climate-positive action. The provider atmosfair points out exactly this on its website and thus encourages active action. The climate protection projects supported by atmosfair are for the most part twice certified: Under the standard of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and under Gold Standard (standard developed by an alliance of NGOs such as the WWF, which is considered the most demanding standard for voluntary emissions trading). atmosfair is transparent in its use of funds and, according to its own statements, only supports projects that take into account other important aspects of environmental protection in addition to the CO2 aspect.

Tempelhof Lab

The Tempelhof Lab concerts took place under very specific conditions: Tempelhof Airport as an open air location in the middle of Berlin, 60,000 visitors per concert and full support of the bands involved. Solutions that were feasible and sensible in this scenario may not be sensible or possible under other framework conditions. Conversely, some great C2C ideas were not scalable for this size of an event, but work perfectly fine under other framework conditions. Therefore, the goals described in this Guidebook and the measures derived from them are not a universally applicable checklist, but rather highlight opportunities and the right questions to ask for the most climate- and resource-positive event possible.